Industrial manufacturing B2B sales videos using remote video production services

B2B sales videos are effective in any economy and at any point in the sales process because they explain things to buyers that they want to know in order to move into the next phase of the sales process. So whether a buyer finds a video at the top of the funnel, when they’re building their shortlist, or they watch it as they move through the final toward purchase, B2B sales videos are effective because they can showcase the people, products and services of your company and give buyers the most amount of information in the shortest amount of time.

Remote Video Production Service for industrial manufacturing company b2b sales video

But in a COVID economy, it’s even more difficult to do quality video production because of the remote workforce and the safety considerations that companies want to adhere to. This is why remote video services play a key role in producing B2B sales videos that are effective in driving action across the sales funnel.

This blog post we showcase three companies that are utilizing remote video production services effectively to give buyers the information that they need to make purchase decisions with quality video production.

What does an industrial manufacturing B2B sales videos, using remote video production services, look like?

The first in our remote video production series is a B2B sales video from a Thermaline, a heat exchange manufacturing company located in Seattle. This remote video production was shot in Seattle and produced in New York City… 2,800 miles away.

The industrial manufacturing video is effective because it has one of the company’s technical leads clearly explaining the product, its benefits and the use cases.  It is this information that technical buyers need to know in order to move into or through the buying process.  In fact, the trust and credibility in most technical sales are made from the technical people on the seller’s side.  Thus, this B2B sales video is effective because it mimics the sales process in which technical buyers receive information from technical people on the seller side.

When you give buyers more information at earlier stages in the sales process they tend to become more qualified leads faster.  This is because buyers are doing their research online and will only seek out those companies that they feel can solve their problems.  In this Industrial manufacturing video we have the technical lead explaining two different products and their use cases…just like he would if he was at a trade show.  This remote video production, shot in MD and produced in New York City, gives the buyer everything that they need in order to make an online purchase.

Video testimonials – another use case for remote video production

Video testimonials are a great way to showcase how any skill set has made a client successful across a wide variety of different use cases.  And video testimonials are highly regarded as non-salesy and trustworthy…which is why testimonials are one of the best traditional marketing tools around.  Check out this one, shot in Houston, TX and produce in New York City.

As people get closer and closer to making a decision, they want proof from buyers like them that the seller has the knowledge and experience that they need to help them. This video testimonial, shot in Houston and produced in New York City, was one of the most fun remote video production projects we’ve done.

Ready to elevate your video content? Let’s transform your productions together!

VIP / executive board videos for non-profits – bonus use case

In this final quality video production, shot in Paraguay and produced in New York City, 4,500 miles away, was created to support the communications of a nonprofit gala. Since people are not traveling, remote video services played a key role in letting VIPs of the nonprofit tell their story. While this use case is not exactly a B2B sales video, the rationale behind creating a remote video production is relevant because people are not traveling.  The lack of travel and in person communication has impacted almost every business today.

Remote Video Production is Easy and Cost-effective

One of the greatest things about remote video services is that you can create video from the safety of your remote location. Maintaining the professional services of a quality video production company, remote video services cuts the cost of a traditional video production company. That’s because the video production company does not have to show up with all the cameras and equipment.

Some of the business objectives that remote video services will affect your include

  • B2B sales video
  • Thought leadership / subject matter expertise
  • Client Testimonials
  • Product launch videos
  • Blog / content marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Internal communications
  • Partner bios

Contact us today about Remote Video Capture and give your firm the quality video production content your clients expect.

5 Main Cost Factors to a Business Video

5 Main Cost Factors to a Business Video

How Much Does a Video Cost?
Nothing comes close to the effectiveness of a well designed video communications project.

The impact video has in driving everyday sales and marketing results is unmatched, which makes it easy to understand why business video communications have been gaining momentum.