The Ultimate Guide to Creating Effective Corporate Explainer Videos for B2B Lead Conversion

Corporate explainer videos are short, animated videos that explain what a company does, how its products or services work, and why the company’s products and services are the best solution for its target audience. And they are especially effective for B2B manufacturing businesses. This is because B2B manufacturing products and services can often be complex and technical, and explainer videos can help to explain them clearly and engagingly.  Corporate video production are a powerful marketing tool that can help businesses of all sizes convert leads into sales.

Why are corporate explainer videos so effective?

There are many reasons why corporate explainer videos are so effective. First, they can communicate complex information clearly and concisely. Second, they are highly engaging and visually appealing. Third, they can be easily shared online and across social media. A study by HubSpot found that explainer videos can increase brand awareness by up to 95%.

Why Explainer Videos Are Effective for B2B Manufacturing Businesses

B2B manufacturing businesses often face the challenge of explaining complex products and services to potential customers. Explainer videos are a powerful tool to help B2B manufacturing businesses overcome this challenge and connect with their target audience more effectively. A study by Insivia found that explainer videos can increase conversion rates by up to 80%.

Ready to elevate your video content? Let’s transform your productions together!

Here are some of the key reasons why explainer videos are so effective for B2B manufacturing businesses:

  • They can explain complex concepts clearly and concisely: Explainer videos can use visuals and storytelling to explain complex products and services in a way that is easy for potential customers to understand. This is especially important for B2B manufacturing businesses, as their products and services are often highly technical.
  • They can highlight the benefits of your products and services for businesses: B2B manufacturing businesses are typically looking for solutions that can help them improve their efficiency, productivity, and profitability. Explainer videos can highlight how your products or services can help businesses achieve these goals.
  • They can build trust and credibility with potential customers: Explainer videos can help to show potential customers that your company is knowledgeable and trustworthy. They can also help to build a positive brand image for your company.

How to Create an Effective Corporate Explainer Video

making of explainer video

Corporate explainer videos are an effective marketing tool that can help businesses of all sizes communicate their value proposition to potential customers and clients. When done well, explainer videos can be clear, concise, and engaging and can help businesses achieve a variety of goals, such as:

  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Generating leads
  • Boosting sales
  • Improving customer satisfaction
  • Reducing support costs

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create an effective corporate explainer video:

  • Define your goals: What do you want your explainer video to achieve? Do you want to generate leads, boost sales, or educate potential customers about your product or service? Once you know your goals, you can tailor your video content accordingly.
  • Identify your target audience: Who are you trying to reach with your explainer video? Once you know your target audience, you can create content that is relevant and appealing to them.
  • Write a compelling script: Your explainer video script should be clear, concise, and engaging. It should also be tailored to your target audience. Here are some tips for writing a great explainer video script:
    • Start with a strong hook that will grab the viewer’s attention.
    • Explain your product or service clearly and concisely.
    • Highlight the benefits of your product or service for your target audience.
    • Use a call to action to tell the viewer what you want them to do next.
  • Create high-quality visuals: Your explainer video should be visually appealing. Use high-quality graphics, animations, and videos to bring your story to life. Here are some tips for creating high-quality explainer video visuals:
    • Use a consistent visual style throughout your video.
    • Use simple and easy-to-understand visuals.
    • Avoid using too much text in your visuals.
    • Use high-quality video and audio.
  • Keep it short and sweet: People have short attention spans, so keeping your explainer video short and to the point is important. Aim for a video that is 2 minutes long or less.

Once you have created your explainer video, share it on your website, social media, and email marketing campaigns. You can also use your explainer video in sales presentations and trade shows. By following these tips, you can create an effective corporate explainer video to help you achieve your business goals.

How a Professional B2B Explainer Video Production Agency Can Help You

how professional agency helps

A professional B2B explainer video production agency can help you create a high-quality, engaging video that will communicate your value proposition to potential customers and clients clearly and concisely.

Ready to elevate your video content? Let’s transform your productions together!

Here are some of the benefits of working with a professional B2B explainer video production agency:

  • Expertise: Professional video production agencies have the expertise and experience to create high-quality videos that will achieve your business goals. They have a team of skilled professionals who can handle all aspects of the video production process, from scriptwriting and storyboarding to animation and editing.
  • Creativity: Professional video production agencies are creative and innovative. They can help you develop a unique and engaging video concept that will capture your target audience’s attention. They can also help you develop a visual style consistent with your branding.
  • Efficiency: Professional video production agencies know how to create videos efficiently and effectively. They have the resources and experience to complete the job quickly and to a high standard.

Here are some of the ways that a professional B2B explainer video production agency can help you:

  • Generate leads: An explainer video can be a powerful tool for generating leads. A well-produced explainer video can educate potential customers about your product or service and convince them to sign up for a free trial, demo, or consultation.
  • Boost sales: An explainer video can also help you to boost sales. An explainer video can help you overcome objections and persuade potential customers to buy your product or service. Additionally, 81% of marketers said that explainer videos have helped to increase sales.
  • Improve customer satisfaction: An explainer video can also help you to improve customer satisfaction.
  • Reduce support costs: An explainer video can also help you to reduce support costs. An explainer video can help customers troubleshoot problems independently and reduce the need for human intervention. 53% of marketers said their videos have helped reduce support calls.


Corporate explainer videos are an effective way for businesses of all sizes to achieve a variety of goals. If you want to increase brand awareness, generate leads, boost sales, or improve customer satisfaction, consider creating a corporate explainer video. Following the tips above, you can create an explainer video that effectively communicates your message and persuades potential customers to learn more about your product or service.

To make the most out of your resources, it’s important to have a solid plan for how to use, reuse, and repurpose them in as many ways as possible. If you need assistance with this, You can reach out to us. We specialize in creating corporate explainer videos that effectively convert leads and drive sales. Contact us to know more details.

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5 Main Cost Factors to a Business Video

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Nothing comes close to the effectiveness of a well designed video communications project.

The impact video has in driving everyday sales and marketing results is unmatched, which makes it easy to understand why business video communications have been gaining momentum.